



 这个大水泡子位于智利阿尔加罗博省的San Alfonso del Mar 。这个泳池有900多米长,80937多平方米(相当于11个足球场这么 大)。池子最深有35米,总存数了200多万吨水!猜猜建这个池子要多少钱---2,000,000,000. 别数了20亿,还是美元,而且每年要花 400万美元来维修这个池子。


Condolences to Tun Dr Lim

Wed, 24 November 2010. It is with deep sadness that we have to inform you that our beloved Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu has just passed away. As former Chief Minister of Penang, his departure is a loss to all Penangites who have benefited immensely from Tun Dr Lim’s contributions to Penang.

St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, State of Penang would like to express our deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of Tun Dr. Lim.

Appreciation from Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah



MVA, 10 school children safe

SJAM EMAS Penang received a distress call from public on 12.30noon, reported an Motor Vehicle Accident(MVA) involving multiple casualty at junction of Bukit Jambul, near Esso Petrol Station.

A First Response Medic Motorcycle was despatched and reached the scene in 3 mintues. A van which bang against the roadside tree involved 11 casualties, includes driver and 10 primary school children. Four ambulances from St. John Ambulance were called to respond to the accident. Penang General Hospital and Malaysian Civil Defence Department also responded with one ambulance each.

After assessment by the medics, all casualties were found to have minor injury only. Casualties were transported to hospital for further assessment and observation.

(Photo by Guang Ming Daily)

(Photo by Guang Ming Daily)









SJAM Centenary Book - Latest News and Sneak Peek

I would like to share some latest info with regards to the SJAM Centenary Book which is scheduled to be released soon in-conjunction with SJAM 100 Years Celebration.

Don't be left out to know the TRUE stories about the beginning of St. John Ambulance in Malaysia. A lot of effort and research has been done to put the facts in order.

Below are messages from the Editor, Mr. Jimmy Low

MESSAGE 1 (09 August 2009)

Dear St. John members,
I am pleased to report that The Editorial team has achieved the first milestone - completed the review of first draft of the Centenary Book.

You can see our progress photos in this album as well as extracts of the Book:

We will be doing Round 2 review next week and is targeted to complete by end of August before doing the final review by end September.

If you have not ordered this Book, please do so. It will be a book to keep for years to come.

Jimmy Low
on behalf of Editorial Committee

MESSAGE 2 (12 August 2009)

Dear Members,

You have seen the teasers and the works behind the Centenary Book. We know you are anxious to read this book.

So, we offer you the last opportunity to buy them at special pre-launch price of RM150 per book inclusive of postage. The closing date of this special pre-launch order is 15 September 2009. All orders must be paid before or on this date to enjoy the special pre-launch price. The post-launch price will be announced later.

Please email me at jimmy.gmlow@gmail.com for the order form. If you are not sure whether your previous order has been accepted, please email me too.

This Centenary Book is a must-have for all St. John members. Don't miss this opportunity to own one and know St. John inside out.

Rgds, Jimmy Low

P/S: On a personal note, without prejudice, a lot of efforts have been put in to gather the materials, research and piece the 100 years history together. You will be surprised with what you don't know :)

Photos are courtesy of Mr. Jimmy Low


Above is the latest edition to SJAM Penang ambulance fleet. It is EMAS SJAM Penang ambulance donated by The Star. Congratulations to them!

Front ViewSide View

External View
Internal View


車及一艘救護船,前往災區展開拯救行動。檳聖約翰救傷隊總部續本週二至週四晚,分別兩次派出拯救隊趕往災情最嚴重的吉打古邦巴素縣為病患提供醫療后,今午1時許再派員前往亞羅士打災區進行救援。該隊緊急醫療組主任黃筱誠今午受詢時說,水災引起當地多名抱病在身的災民因受困其中,而緊急向聖約翰救傷隊求助。他說,病患目前等待救援隊前往載送他們入院治療,其中以發燒患者為多。黃筱誠說,該隊已第3次出動救援隊人員到災區拯救患病災民,其他救援單位包括吉打州聖約翰救傷隊。(china press) more photo please view (TEOH CHUNG PIAU) profile at facebook